Yesterday I wrote a long text wich was not here because the troubles with Turkish fonts on the computer in my Hotel.

Now I'm sitting in the Internet cafeteria and there is no russsian fonts at the computer.

I was flying not very well. Over the Ukrine the plane was trimmed (don't know the exact word for it) and they said to sit and to belt. But praise God I'm here!

The funny thing is yesterday here was the Holiday - the day of Turkish aviation =)

I dont want to spend a lot of money for tripping here.

But yesterday I've decided to go to see the place where St. Nicolas lived at next Saturday.

They call St. Nicolas here Santa Claus.

Also maybe I'll try Turkish bath.

And I want to fly on the parashute picked to the boat :shy:

But I'm not sure yet. They is saying that parashute sometimes fly out in the sea.

They prepare food four time a day for free. And you can drink cola or beer or wine or gin from 11 until 23 for free also. But I dont want drinking =(

It seems there was much dishes in Egypt than here but it is taste anyway.

I especially like the salad from pices melon, watermelon and vines :lip:

Also they don't sell mango here and I can't to bring it to my friends in St.Petersburg =( (they asked me about mango so much)

There is a russian TV here (first two channels) and I plan to see the football next week. (Write me please what time will be the game) :fball:

Maybe I'll not write too much next ten days and after write my impressions at home.

Maybe will write in English. But I hadn't a lot language practice last five years and ask you sorry for mistakes :shy:

03.09.2006 в 13:52

+43 ?!?!?! That's just amazing....and it's very cold here... :(

Post here as often as you can, you can forget something important before you go back home... ;-)

And be careful with all this water entertainments. Take care.
03.09.2006 в 14:01

Мы вдыхаем вольный ветер
А какой именно футбол тебя интересует?:)

Турецкая баня - это супер, очень здорово! Я обожаю!

А парашют даже если и свалится, они прдъезжают на лодке и подбирают:)
03.09.2006 в 18:49

Любимец Администрации
сделаю ответ: несколько постов на финском.
03.09.2006 в 21:15

НЕВСКИЙ китос!
03.09.2006 в 21:27

2ya 17:50 Футбол. (Отборочный матч чемпионата Европы. Сборная России - Сборная Хорватии)
04.09.2006 в 09:26

У кого сердце весело, у того всегда пир!
здорово, обяз-но сходи в баню и на массаж, полетай на парашюте и пр. а в место манго тогда привези... сам что-нибудь придумай)))
04.09.2006 в 11:35

Mad_Panda where are you from?

Sharmel* жаба душит в баню идти =( :frog:

куплю вам магнитег на xoлодильнeк! =)

04.09.2006 в 12:56

john nash Siberia :cold:
04.09.2006 в 13:44

У кого сердце весело, у того всегда пир!
john nash о, здорово! только с туркиш мотивами)

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